Friday, September 07, 2007
Essay 4425
Slams and slammers in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• Nas slammed Bill O’Reilly after the old man criticized the rapper’s free concert for Virginia Tech students as an “abomination.” O’Reilly griped, “Having a rapper who trades in violence perform at Virginia Tech insults the [shooting] victims, the university and the entire commonwealth.” Nas declared, “He’s a racist. … Everybody has a marketing plan; his marketing plan is racism. … It just shows you what bloodsuckers do; they abuse something like the Virginia Tech [tragedy] for show ratings. You can’t talk to a person like that.” Bloodsucker. Marketing plan. Racist. Hey, O’Reilly ought to be on Madison Avenue.
• Former Duke lacrosse team prosecutor Mike Nifong reported to prison for his one-day sentence. Meanwhile, lawyers for the three players are threatening to sue Durham, North Carolina, for $30 million and reforms in the legal process. Looks like the experience has turned the players into bold defenders of justice.
Oh yeah, let’s isten to O’Reilly, the beacon of morality.