Sunday, December 16, 2007

Essay 4852

Among Advertising Age’s 10 Who Made Their Mark…

Little did Najoh Tita-Reid’s childhood playmate know she was starting a movement, and a marketing campaign, when she called Ms. Reid’s black doll ugly. Now, as associate multicultural-marketing director at Procter & Gamble, she’s launched “My Black Is Beautiful,” a push to put the power of several beauty brands behind an effort to help black women of all tones and backgrounds be comfortable with their looks.

Imus’ controversial comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team got him fired from CBS Radio and MSNBC, drew an advertiser backlash and sparked a national debate on racism and cultural sensitivity. After a seven-month hiatus and a reported $40 million settlement with CBS, he returned to the airwaves on New York’s WABC with fewer blue-chip advertisers but a more humble approach to talk radio.

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