Sunday, August 10, 2008

5798: A Cliché Is A Terrible Thing To Waste.

The United Negro College Fund presents the Black Inventors concept. Wonder if a Black advertising person invented this overused idea.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Thanks for pointing this out. I know you spend a lot of hours putting this blog together. No offense intended, but I'd be really interested to see you put your energy into making a good ad for UNCF. Or, like, a good ad for a scholarship fund, where the money is prioritized for education programs. You probably have not worked in non-profits before, b/c then you'd see that even this ad is bigger than the budgets of most of them for the kinds of ads you probably want to see.

  2. Would love to. We’ve worked on plenty of nonprofit and profitable clients. Send a creative brief and contract for services.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Really? For free?

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Well, I think this is a good ad... I had no idea all those things were invented by African Americans (George Washington Carver notwithstanding). It is pretty comprehensive. IF the goal is to get people to take note of Black achievement and perhaps to open their wallets to help bring more young Blacks into this realm, it seems pretty persuasive.
