Saturday, November 08, 2008

6128: Bullies And Bullshit.

Assorted bull in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study from the University of Chicago showed male bullies may actually feel pleasure from watching their victims suffer. “[Bullies are] not only indifferent to the pain, they love it—maybe,” said the co-author of the study. “They’re responding to others being hurt, but in a way that’s self-reinforcing.” Another researcher remarked about the findings, “It just dumbfounded us.” Dumbfounded? Somebody ought to beat up these weenie researchers for discovering the obvious.

• The Naked Cowboy bullied the Mars candy company into settling his $4 million lawsuit over trademark infringement. The popular Times Square performer took offense when the candy maker ran advertising featuring a blue M&M character sporting his famous cowboy hat, boots and white undies. Maybe Mars was actually doing a tribute to Brokeback Mountain. Then again, probably not.

1 comment:

  1. the cowboy finally got paid... he wasn't makin' no loot from his music. i ignore that guy everytime i'm out there. he's just not very interesting or good... bet he makes a few hundred a day from the tourists, tho.

    mars... maybe i'll find something to sue them over.
