Friday, November 21, 2008

6164: Anti-Freakouts.

Freaky Friday in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• As part of a lawsuit settlement, Burger King restaurants in California are posting signs warning customers that grilled chicken menu items contain a dangerous carcinogen. The lawsuit accused a bunch of restaurant chains of knowingly exposing folks to cancer-inducing compound PhIP. Interestingly enough, there were zero reports of any freakouts.

• Earlier this month, one day before Barack Obama won the presidential race, the Duval County School Board in Florida voted to keep the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, despite controversy and complaints. The school is named for a Confederate war figure, slave owner and early leader in the Ku Klux Klan. One board member who elected in favor of the name argued the students had been polled and didn’t want to change things. Oh please. Most high school students would agree to name their school after Homer Simpson or Hitler.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Yeah, but you have to admit, cool as it would be to go there, ‘Homer Simpson High’ on a cv would look pretty bad when trying to get into an Ivy League college.
