Wednesday, April 08, 2009

6631: The Top 10 Hypocrites…?

DiversityInc released its Top 10 Companies for African Americans. Now, we all know there are no advertising agencies on this honor roll, as the industry was noted for paying Blacks 20 percent less than White counterparts. Hell, an NAACP official remarked Blacks “have a better chance of being struck by lightning” than being hired at certain shops. So why do companies recognized for inclusive environments willingly partner with agencies reprimanded for exclusive environments? The excuses would make for an interesting Top 10 list.

Top 10 Companies for African Americans

1. AT&T
2. Target Corporation
3. Sodexo
4. JPMorgan Chase
5. CSX
6. Verizon Communications
7. Altria
9. Marriott International
10. Health Care Service Corporation

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