Tuesday, May 12, 2009

6734: Ghost In The Machine: Digital Multiculture.

Sexy smart presentation.


  1. Well, she really ripped it! I was really proud (can I say that)? Because her presentation was just about common sense. Which as we both know, often makes no-never-mind in this race. But she's smart and powerful and a necessary voice. I'm glad to know she's out there.

  2. plus she's cute. but seriously, she made so many smart points, you'd think she's worked in the agency world as well.

    sad part is, you know they won't list to her either.

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    LOVE this presentation!


    She just got signed at an agency. GlobalHue. Shhhh...

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Not to poke fun but congrats to her, but isnt global hue a AA agency, why hasnt a GM agency picked her up. They sure could use her knowledge and expertise. Unless there afraid that she might put the GM agencies on blast for their lack of ethnic diversity. HIJIVE u should really have a top 50 african american talent thread or something. Theres some great talent out there that the GM agencies claim to not find.
