Friday, August 07, 2009

6997: LOL Cats.

Assorted idiots in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A moron in Florida is blaming his cat for downloading child pornography on the man’s computer. There’s a pussy joke worth pursuing here.

• Wrigley dumped Rihanna assaulter Chris Brown from its celebrity spokesman roster. No word if the Doublemint Twins will charge that he also beat them with a stick. Of gum.

• An autopsy revealed Billy Mays had cocaine in his system, which led to his death in June. Wonder if they’ll keep running his commercials now. Or maybe introduce OxiClean & Sober.

• Former Democratic Congressman William Jefferson was found guilty of 11 of 16 corruption charges. He’ll definitely be cleaning out his refrigerator before heading to prison.

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