Sunday, August 23, 2009

7036: Mad Men Follows Mad Ave.

Like Madison Avenue, the third season of AMC series Mad Men is slowly working its way toward integrating Blacks. Draper housekeeper Carla was mentioned, although not seen. And a Black man was riding in the elevator with Roger Sterling and Peggy Olson—but it didn’t appear to be Hollis the elevator operator. Maybe next week Sterling Cooper will establish a Diversity Development Advisory Committee.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The saddest part about madmen is it's not much different than todays post-racial american advertising agencies are run. The fact that were still in 2009 talking about people of color still trying to get "into" advertising speaks volumes. If your not for diversity, what are you for? Racism just like in the 60s? Seriously!!
