Monday, September 07, 2009

7076: Mad Men Plays Jai Alai With Reality.

The fourth episode of AMC series Mad Men presented some minor racial and ethnic references. A client seeking to promote jai alai whined that his rich father disapproved of the sport because the old man was against integration and considered the star player a wetback. Later, Sally Draper watched the evening news on television, where the famous image of a burning Thich Quang Duc offered a mention of discrimination faced by Buddhists. As always, racism and hate don’t make direct contact with the main characters—it’s all very foreign or someone else’s problem.

But most offensive was the embarrassingly terrible overacting by the young thespian portraying Sally Draper.

1 comment:

  1. Over acting....? It could not have been more realistic ... the parents were over written in their stupified and non emotional response that almost none would have taken ...except that they are playing a carciture of their Madmen selves. The adults reaction was way less realistic, superficial...on some sort of downer. The kid was the highlight of the entire episode look for great acting in her future unlike Drew Barrymore who I like anyway for humor....
