Monday, October 04, 2010

8027: Does Madison Avenue Need AA Program?

Advertising Age managed to include a single diversity-related note in its coverage of last week’s Advertising Week.

On diversity: As Roy Eaton—former music director for Benton & Bowles—accepted an honor as a pioneer in diversity at the American Advertising Federation’s Mosaic awards, held at the New York Athletic Club, he noted the irony of where he was. Mr. Eaton was the first black man at a major agency to work on a general-market account and, in 1955 when he was hired as a copywriter and jingle composer for Young & Rubicam, he would not have been allowed to enter the club. In his view, the ad industry has made some progress, but should take a page from Alcoholic Anonymous’ 12-step program. “God, Give us the grace to accept the things we cannot change,” he said. “Courage to change the things we can—and yes, racism is one of them—and the wisdom to tell the difference.”

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