Tuesday, October 19, 2010

8079: Tiger, Tyson And Assorted Knockouts.

Quick hits in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Devon James, a hooker who claimed having sex with Tiger Woods, produced a video where she has sex with a Tiger Woods look-alike. The body double says he didn’t realize James was going to release the tape with a Tiger Woods angle. “I had no idea she was going to set up a tape of Tiger Woods,” said the Tiger twin. “I wanted to make some money—not ruin someone’s life.” Oh, this video is hardly going to mess up Woods’ life at this point.

• A photographer is suing Mike Tyson for $25 million, claiming the fighter punched him with a closed fist, delivering a concussion and spinal injuries. Tyson should argue he was impersonated by a body double.

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