Wednesday, March 09, 2011

8600: How To Do Better Creative Work.

The charlatans, idiots, liars and bona fide failures attending the 4As 2011 Transformation Conference should cease pontificating on their grand delusions visions for the future of the industry. It’s total bullshit. Instead, everyone ought to pick up a copy of “How to do better creative work” by Steve Harrison.

The book was originally published in the U.K. in 2009, but MultiCultClassics only recently discovered it. Harrison served as a creative director at agencies including OgilvyOne Worldwide, Wunderman and HTW, mostly focused on direct marketing. Yet his insights, advice and spirit apply to any discipline—and anyone seriously committed to improving the work.

Harrison is admittedly old school. But he’s clearly not out of touch. The man stresses the classic fundamentals, showing respect for the creative process as it relates to the complete membership of an agency. He covers the full gamut, from the imperative for leaders to define the shop’s culture to properly writing briefs to standing up for excellence to selling the big ideas to executing the role of creative director. Plus, he even tosses in illustrated case studies. All neatly pressed into 168 easy-to-read pages.

For students seeking to gain enlightenment or veterans seeking to regain perspective—or self-absorbed losers seeking a greater deal than passes to the next 4As soiree—there’s nothing better than “How to do better creative work” by Steve Harrison.

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