Tuesday, March 29, 2011

8660: 4As Diversity Agenda Invisible, Man.

The 4As posted a transcript of the Welcome and Opening Remarks speech delivered by President and CEO Nancy Hill at the 2011 Transformation Conference. Hill managed to squeeze one diversity-related hiccup into her oratory:

Across the boards, from technology to both new and traditional media, from research to talent union negotiations to increased passion for industry diversity, the 4As staff has worked hard to deliver what you so rightly demand from us.

Well, there’s definitely accuracy to the statement. That is, the industry—across the board—has made no demands regarding increased passion for industry diversity. So the trade organization hasn’t had to work too hard to deliver anything besides making the occasional ADCOLOR® plug, quietly hiring Julius Dunn as Industry Liaison to High School for Innovation in Advertising and Media, and adding Adonis Hoffman’s diversity guide to the 4As online bookstore. Guess one adman’s passion is another adman’s passivity.

As previously mentioned, a scan of the conference schedule revealed zero panels or events for inclusion. However, IPG CEO Michael Roth did spend a few seconds during the powwow featuring holding company honchos to spit out the clichéd “Our industry has to do a better job [on diversity]” admission of guilt. In the words of Dan Wieden, “Now that’s fucked up.”

Hill actually summed it up for conference attendees when declaring, “The 4As is a reflection of you, and our agenda is your agenda.” To complete the mirror image, the organization should replace Hill and her team with a bunch of Old White Guys.

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