Wednesday, March 30, 2011

8665: Mad Men Does Reflect Mad Ave.

The New York Post detailed the drama surrounding AMC series Mad Men, where the season kickoff is being delayed because of financial and political issues. As always, the show unintentionally mirrors the real advertising industry. For example, like the useless holding company honchos who collect enormous salaries while making the worker bees’ lives miserable, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner is set to be overpaid with a two-year, $30 million contract—provided he cuts cast members and makes other revenue-generating restructurings. In typical Madison Avenue fashion, the minorities have already been axed. Betty Draper fired Carla the housekeeper last season, and the agency’s move to a new office building effectively eliminated Hollis the elevator attendant. It’s also unlikely that Lane Pryce’s Black trophy girlfriend will resurface; plus, the earlier dumping of copywriter Paul Kinsey means his Black girlfriend is history too. Weiner must reportedly terminate two more characters. If things continue to reflect the actual ad game, look for the figures that make the fewest contributions at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce to keep their jobs. Additionally, the shop will probably try to buy a digital agency.

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