Thursday, July 14, 2011

9005: Harry Webber Rocks Portfolio Schools.

At The Big Tent, Harry Webber offered the following perspective on portfolio schools:

Portfolio Schools that instill the concept that creative people are somehow akin to Rock Stars have destroyed an entire generation’s ability to connect with the audience on the basis of subjects that are meaningful to the way people live their lives. We are not Rock Stars. We are salesmen and saleswomen with a suitcase full of brushes and a train that leaves for the next town in twenty minutes. Portfolio Schools do not teach empathy. They teach “shock and awe.” You cannot sell a housewife an air freshener by farting in her living room. You have to understand that her husband’s flatulence is the problem and suggest that if he insists on taking off his shoes in the living room, Glade will solve the problem. Motivation is a subtle art form. Portfolio Schools don’t do subtle. That you must learn from life.

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