Thursday, September 22, 2011

9319: More ADCOLOR® Agency Diversity Ads.

Thanks to the tipster who provided access to more ADCOLOR® commemorative advertisements—which inspired more MultiCultClassics one-liners.

Deutsch strives for the unique with a concept that is anything but.

Arnold staffers use one of the most overused lines in diversity advertising—and have the audacity to proclaim themselves great minds.

Did IPG put a gay pride flag through a shredder?

Rapp “thanks ADCOLOR® for making diversity mean more than it used to,” yet fails to clarify what the hell that means.

The best ads were produced by minority agencies Améredia and Dieste. Imagine that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Adcolor awards are a scam, its basically people on the board nominating each other for awards. No surprise that all the award recipients are friends of people on the adcolor board or are on the very same board!!! WTF!!! Let me get this straight if diversity #s are worse than what they were in decades past, why are blacks & hispanics participating in this propaganda? Who is paying for all of this?

    The white man, got the money,power,clients so they got folks like tiffany warren who runs adcolor like a puppet on a string. This stuff makes absolutely no sense.

    Ask yourself who is funding all these "diversity awards,programs,scholarships,bootcamps, commitees, boards, etc," --

    If you give a token 1 or 2 enough money, they will shuck and jive and do whatever u ask them to do.
    After a while u realize that most people in the industry are fake, including minorities.
