Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9340: The One Club To Rerun Diversity Event.

The Big Tent reported on an event to be held October 4, 2011, during Advertising Week. “Where Are All The Black People?” is a sequel to a soiree assembled by The One Club last May. The organization’s hype machine had the audacity to label the inaugural fiasco as a “successful panel”—while failing to note a single accomplishment attached to the occasion. Again, MultiCultClassics contends that The One Club asking, “Where Are All The Black People?” is like the Minuteman Project wondering, “Where Are All The Mexicans?” The semi-annual display of affection for colored people is more than a little hypocritical coming from a predominately and historically White awards clique. Rev. Al Sharpton has voiced his support for the initiative, although it’s not clear if he’ll attend. Meanwhile, the list of sponsors and partners is a Who’s Who of the Culturally Clueless on Madison Avenue. As always, it’s easy for these agencies to drop a charitable contribution in the mail—and it’s ironic that the check is likely handled by the shops’ Black employees in the mailroom.

Al Sharpton, One Club Want to Know: Where Are All the Black People?

Career Fair to Be Held During Advertising Week

By Ken Wheaton

“Where Are All the Black People?” is a one-day career fair being held on Oct. 4 in New York. According to wherearealltheblackpeople.com, the event “is a follow up to a successful panel held during the 2011 Creative Week in New York and moderated by Jeff Goodby and Jimmy Smith.” Al Sharpton is on board.

More from the website: “This one-day event will include speakers, testimonials from creatives of African American backgrounds, portfolio reviews for students and professionals and sessions with agency recruiters. … Our goal is to have as many participants as possible walk away with a job offer, a confirmed second interview, or a paid internship.”

A list of sponsors and partners can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    All these so-called great creative who won, cannes,grand-prix, addys, etc and not one of them has a solid-idea to fix diversity. What a joke. Look at all the ecds that are coming, goodby and wieden kennedy reps will be there. This is so fu#*ed up on so many levels. No only that but they are actually charging people to attend. Thats not all there having only 25 black creatives pitch to them as to why they should be in the industry, so everybody is out of luck. Whats worse is the funds will probably go to fund another minority scholarship, the oneclub is slick. These are the same folks who dumped julius dunn 2 years ago for financial reasons.
