Friday, February 20, 2015

12524: BHM 2015—Toyota.

Well, at least Toyota didn’t salute Black History Month with B.B. King on a slave plantation.


  1. Ugjustug1:07 AM

    Is there some rule that BHM ads have to me made with the cheapest generic photos, writing and creativity possible?

    Don't we deserve more?

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Tell me that's not a typo/error in the last sentence of copy.

    Because if Toyota's idea of Black History Month is letting white agencies film B.B. King King ads on a slave plantation, and giving cheap halfassed ads like this one in Ebony the shaft and no once over, that's just heartbreaking.

  3. To Ugjustug:

    Ha! Wouldn’t be surprised if the photo of Garcia is just a stock image too.

    To Anonymous:

    Hell, the comma in the headline is questionable too.

  4. piccolo10:43 PM

    Black History Month = sloppy seconds

