Saturday, April 15, 2023

16212: Biscuits Battle For Gender Equality In Croatia.


The Domaćica biscuit brand in Croatia produced a campaign explained as follows:


Croatia is a country where 83% of women in relationships do housework in addition to their main job. Client research before the campaign showed: 77% of women always clean the bathroom, 75% always iron, 77% wash the windows, etc. And only 38% of male teenagers believe that housework should be shared equally. Inequality is manifested at all levels: women are paid less, are significantly less represented in parliament and government, as well as in key positions in companies. And there is also inequality also in the official dictionary supported by the Ministry of education.

Domaćica biscuit, adored by generations of loyal consumers in Croatia, has decided to use the power of the brand to drive change. The word DOMAĆICA means (or should mean): a woman that takes care of her home and welcomes guests, but instead, definition in the official dictionary is extremely unfair, comparing to the male version of the same word.


While DOMAĆIN (translation: host at home) is defined: The head of a family, who takes good care of his home and guests, and the definition does not ask whether he is employed or married, the definition of the same word (female version) says DOMAĆICA is the wife of the host, who is unemployed, although most DOMAĆICAs actually work. We decided to use the power of the brand to drive change and to educate about inequality in households and in official dictionary because we believed that Domaćica (family brand) is appropriate to talk about such topics.


Never in the history of Croatia, a traditional, quite patriarchal country, has a national brand stepped forward in such a way to stand up for gender equality. A huge FUSS happened, but we succeeded.


Under public pressure, the publisher made a change in the definition in the official dictionary, and the definition of Domaćica an Domaćin (male version of the same word) is now equal. Furthermore, we made minimum 150,000 brand users aware of the need for a more equal sharing of housework, and introduced a campaign in the educational system: 30 schools and 900 pupils involved in the first year of the workshop Box of changes (Domaćica equality workshops).



Okay, but considering the country’s racial and ethnic demographics, don’t expect a campaign for Domaćica Dark to advocate for Croatians of color.

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