Thursday, November 23, 2023

16448: Thanksgiving In Adland—Thanks, But No Thanks.


Adweek published content titled, “What Agency Leaders Are Grateful For This Thanksgiving.”


A handful of the “leaders”—featuring at least one Human Heat Shield—gave thanks for DEI-related possibilities in Adland. Appropriately enough, such comments comprised the minority of gratitude expressions in the Adweek fluff piece.


The majority of respondents are likely thankful to delegate diversity to resident employees of color. Or count the promotion of White women as satisfying DEI goals.


Fairly certain there were no Native American leaders represented. Maybe tomorrow.


On a side note, the story was illustrated with a stock image (depicted above) showing multilingual thank you phrases. The languages include Russian—ie, a statement from the country that White advertising agencies and holding companies thanklessly dumped in recent years.

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