Monday, March 22, 2010

7589: Liodice Is No Letterman.

Advertising Age has been publishing Bob Liodice’s Top 10s, a series of lists compiled by the ANA President-CEO to celebrate the organization’s 100th anniversary. The latest installment is titled, “10 Legal Moves That Changed Advertising.” Not surprisingly, there are zero mentions of any legal actions designed to bring diversity to the industry. To be fair, the next legal action that successfully inspires inclusiveness on Madison Avenue will be the first. So one can’t fault Liodice for neglecting to note efforts that have ultimately turned out to be smokescreens, lies or outright failures. But it would be interesting to see Liodice attempt to create an entry titled, “10 Ways The ANA Has Fostered Diversity.” He’d probably get more laughs than a typical David Letterman Late Show Top Ten List.

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