Monday, July 05, 2010

7759: Changing Flight Plans.

Taking off in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Dave Chappelle went nuts on a private jet, prompting the pilot to make an emergency landing. The comedian refused to put on his seatbelt and repeatedly entered the cockpit. A representative explained Chappelle experienced an adverse reaction to something he had eaten and needed to use the rest room, but the facilities on the jet were “not the kind he needed.” Maybe next time he should fly on Soul Plane.

• Ashley Dupre, the former call girl made famous by former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, is now seeking a new career as a real estate broker. “New York City real estate has always been an interest of mine,” said Dupre. “It’s just something that I wanted to do. Where this goes is yet to be determined.” Insert your own punch line involving whorehouses.

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