Tuesday, July 06, 2010

7760: The Moral Obligations Of Diversity.

MultiCultClassics typically prefers to separate church and state, but a blog visitor sent the essay depicted above, which warrants consideration.

When discussing diversity—particularly in regards to the advertising industry—the examinations usually involve logical perspectives including:

• A variety of people will generate a greater range of ideas.

• Agency staffs should reflect America’s multicultural society.

• Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to participate.

• The law prohibits discriminatory hiring practices.

Yet the talks rarely probe the moral and spiritual components of diversity. Ad people are always cognizant of the rational and irrational sides to effective sales messages. Plus, tapping into religion, ethics and values is a common creative tactic. And we’ve all seen clients impose their personal beliefs on the corporate culture, as well as the development of brand images. So why not consider diversity in a fuller way?

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