Friday, January 28, 2011

8417: C’MON WHITE MAN! Episode 1.

(MultiCultClassics credits ESPN’s C’MON MAN! for sparking this new, semi-regular blog series.)

Advertising Creative Honcho Steffan Postaer wrote at his blog—Gods of Advertising—about the blurring line he perceives between “followers and haters” among us. It’s not exactly a unique or provocative perspective. And it’s barely coherent in certain sections. Yet what makes the post noteworthy is Postaer’s opening, which features gushing references to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (The post was originally published on the 2011 MLK holiday.) Postaer salutes “Letters (sic) from a Birmingham Jail” and the “I Have a Dream” speech before reverently declaring, “Despite all evil in the world, we are better because Dr. King was in it.” The blogger then segues to the Tucson shooting and the uncivil “conversation” taking place in society, ultimately shifting to the venom and vitriol directed toward him at AgencySpy.

For starters, MultiCultClassics examined the phenomenon of online ad-boss bashing in 2007, contending that much of it was likely justified. Whatever. But for Postaer to place his personal tribulations in the same breath as the Tucson victims and MLK is pretty self-absorbed thinking. The man should consider letting the civil rights icon inspire efforts to bring diversity to the advertising industry. Hey, bet such a notion never crossed Postaer’s mind.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry if I offended. I wrote the post on MLK's birthday and so I thought it was a relevant opening to my post about haters. On another note I also find King's writing to be powerful rhetoric and source for great study to all writers of persuasive communication. In any event, thank you for reading and responding. Always prefer it to indifference.
