Saturday, January 29, 2011

8418: Agency Diversity Statement 21.

Omnicom has dedicated a section of its website to diversity—replete with a list of goals, videos and assorted politically-correct propaganda. Perhaps someday the holding company will have an inclusive workforce to validate the online rhetoric.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    But look who they are using to promote the false propaganda. Black folks. Their usually assigned the roles of chief diversity officers. But at least they get paid right? You walk through any ominicom office you wont see much of any diversity. Notice that she kept mentioning students. They dont have to hire any of these folks, their "educating" them. lol

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    the house negro will never let the mastas house burn down of course tiffany warren will defend ominicoms "diversity" polies. If this industry gets sued, she and the token few blacks in the industry will be scrutinized and be out of a job. Its all about the money. People will always defend their jobs over their race. She's not stupid, she's one of the few blacks that have a job in this industry, she's not about to let anybody mess that up for her.
