Friday, May 27, 2011

8824: More Commentary On StrawberryFrog.

A slow day at the office led to the following “perspective” created by comments left for Adweek and AgencySpy stories involving the latest StrawberryFrog fiasco. It all demonstrates the stupidity and arrogance of airing dirty laundry in the digital press.

Let me get this straight: [CEO Scott] Goodson gave [former CSO Ilana Bryant] a promotion AND a raise AND a bonus because she was clearly doing a great job. But now Goodson is suing [Bryant] to get back the bonus he gave her because she wasn’t a good employee—in fact, she was SUCH a bad employee that it drove HER to resign? Interesting theory.

Did the other six department heads that recently left also suffer from this similar bizarre phenomenon, where they suddenly became so ineffectual at their jobs that they took it upon themselves to voluntarily depart?

Bryant is an amazing talent—I have worked with her on many occasions and she is as classy and honest as they come. I REALLY hope this woman gets what she has coming. And I hope Goodson gets what he has coming—a gang raping. Go die, Goodson.

I used to work at the Goodson agency. He sabotaged pitches, client relationships and internal decisions. Everyone who works there is smart and dedicated to the work. He does not deserve them. In reality, he’s the liar who blames all of his shortcomings on others. Nothing is ever his fault including layoffs, poor management decisions, senseless hires, poor creative decisions and lost pitches. He lies to your face in order not to accept responsibility. Some leader. Bryant should be excited that she no longer works there. He really is going to run it into the ground. I hope everyone at the agency knows it’s time to get a new job. If he did it to her and everyone else, Goodson will do it to you too.

Oh, we all know Goodson is a wonderful liar. Goodson hires people, promises them the world, assigns them ‘equity’ and generous commissions, etc. When they win him business, he suddenly doesn’t want to pay out, so he undermines them and tries to force them out, hoping they go quietly. How many times has he pulled this shit with his senior people? I’m counting six I can think of right now.

Fuck. Can any of you actually name their clients? Go on. Think about it. Think hard. Guessing Goodson hasn’t been able to sell the cultural movement dream in a long, long time. Brands are wising up to this two-faced hack’s bullshit. They’ll be out of business in a year. Diaper ads. They make very expensive diaper ads.

I never understood why agencies figure that they can get away with robbery. In the long run, it's always easier and better just to pay someone what they’re owed.

Goodson, the shiftiest person in advertising. That karma’s coming for you, dude—and it will be glorious in its might.


  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    This is a deep story. Ironically this type of stuff goes on everyday at almost every agency. Just like a every day prison, You either have a knife or become a stabbing victim. Choose one.

  2. The depth of the story is based on the shallowness of the characters. Add last November’s StrawberryFrog Amsterdam fiasco to the latest gem and you’d be hard-pressed to contend “this type of stuff goes on every day at almost every agency.” There are better choices than wielding a knife or taking one in the back, and the overwhelming majority of ad people are mature enough to select saner options. Don’t personally know anyone at StrawberryFrog. Don’t care to. And there’s no doubt numerous hidden factors and agendas are motivating the drama. But alleged leaders like Heather LeFevre and Scott Goodson display an ignorance that taints the entire industry.

    Consider Goodson’s conduct. The truth is, he could have remained silent and emerged completely victorious. If Ilana Bryant signed a contract promising the rewards she insists have been denied her, there’s no reason to argue. She’ll receive what has been officially agreed upon. But everything else is nearly impossible to win in a court of law. Goodson is an “incompetent… emotionally unstable… erratic and dictatorial” employer? Sorry, there’s nothing illegal about being a sleazy, lying, ineffective, unprofessional asshole. Provided he’s not violating laws against protected classes of employees, Goodson is completely within his rights to be a royal douchebag. Instead, his publicized rants against Bryant are libelous if he is unable to provide documented proof of his ex-underling’s allegedly poor performance. The promotions and bonuses he gave her certainly contradict his new opinion.

    Additionally, the comment threads at Adweek and AgencySpy show a consistent theme that doesn’t reflect favorably on Goodson. But he fueled the flames and fed the trolls.

    Again, if there’s a signed contract, Bryant will at least win the monies owed her. If not, this whole mess goes nowhere. Which is why Goodson should just shut the fuck up and let his lawyer iron out the details versus providing evidence for enhanced charges in Bryant’s lawsuit. Taking the high road is an easy route to pursue, provided you know how to navigate the path. Based on what’s been presented to date, Goodson couldn’t find the high road if Rand McNally supplied a GPS device and moral compass.
