Friday, October 18, 2013

11515: Here’s To You, Ms. Robinson.

Last week, Adweek noted the dearth of digital dames. Now Advertising Age published Pereira & O’Dell Executive Creative Director Jaime Robinson’s tired perspective on the dearth of dames in advertising agency leadership positions, where Robinson expressed the following:

The fact that there’s a steady drum-beat of discussion in the media and at conferences about this topic is a good thing; we should find ways to address the challenges women face and overcome them. But truth be told, what isn’t helpful is that a lot of the talk in these circles and on social media too is starting to veer towards being negative all the time. It’s not constructive. So here’s what I’m not going to do in this letter. I’m not going complain that there aren’t enough of us. I’m not going to talk about how you can generate ideas and can contribute just as much as men over the course of your advertising career. That’s obvious.

Whatever. Must admit to not being overly concerned about the alleged plight of White women in the field. However, a quick glance at the Pereira & O’Dell leadership displays a stereotypically White environment (although co-founder PJ Pereira is Brazilian) that is predominately male. So maybe Robinson should be complaining.

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