Friday, October 18, 2013

11516: Unhealthy Practices At Herbalife…?

From The New York Post…

Minority coalition calls for Herbalife probe

By Michelle Celarier

A new group of Hispanic and black leaders is calling for a probe into Herbalife, accusing the controversial seller of nutritional products of recruiting minorities into its “pyramid scheme.”

The coalition is urging California Attorney General Kamala Harris and Santa Cruz District Attorney Bob Lee to investigate what it calls “Herbalife’s deceptive marketing and predatory business practices which target vulnerable minority communities.”

The group plans to hold a press conference Friday morning outside the attorney general’s office to coincide with a Los Angeles pep rally of Latino Herbalife distributors, which thousands are expected to attend.

The coalition has been spearheaded by outspoken Herbalife critic Brent Wilkes, the national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens.

It also includes two major African-American organizations, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Congress of Racial Equality, among others.

The coalition will announce a 1-800 bilingual help line that will “allow victims to report their experiences,” according to a statement.

Herbalife, which is the subject of a short attack by hedge fund activist Bill Ackman, denies it is a pyramid scheme.

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