Thursday, August 21, 2014

12000: Sprint Reloads Again.

Advertising Age reported Sprint is trying to resuscitate itself once again with a new CEO, new sales promotion and new rate plan—which will hopefully lead to a new advertising agency and new campaign to replace the asinine Frobinson framily. In a pathetically lame video, new Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure read from a note card and declared, “We’re Sprint…and with this promotion…and with this new rate plan…we’re back in the game.” Sounds like a clear admission that the ultra-weird clan is a highly dysfunctional framily. Sprint the company—with a Japanese owner and Bolivian immigrant CEO running Midwestern troops—also appears to be a highly diverse-yet-dysfunctional family. Unfortunately, a fresh promotion and rate plan will not turn things around for the company. It’s the classic Challenger Brand scenario; that is, the category is led by two competitors (in this case, Verizon and AT&T) and everyone else must establish a distinctive niche. T-Mobile, for example, became the low-price choice. Sprint has not had a unique position attractive to consumers for many years. The advertising has been pretty ugly too.

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