Wednesday, July 29, 2015

12794: P&G CEO BS.

Advertising Age published a story titled, “What You Should Know About P&G’s Next CEO, David Taylor.” The trivia includes Taylor toiled as a plant manager before becoming a brand manager; plus, he’s experienced failure and champions risk taking. Well, if he’s familiar with failing and ready to risk, maybe Taylor will use his authority to promote diversity, especially among the White advertising agencies on the P&G roster. After all, it’s been roughly six years since the NAACP asked P&G and other clients to demand their White agencies become more inclusive. The most P&G did involved sending an email asking shops to engage in supplier diversity. In other words, the mega-advertiser pushes supplier diversity, but doesn’t scrutinize the diversity of its suppliers of advertising. Indeed, P&G probably prefers to hand crumbs to minority agencies. Will the risk-taking Taylor display courage, conviction and commitment to conquer industry exclusivity—or carry on the tradition of delegating, deferring and dodging diversity?

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