Tuesday, August 22, 2017

13798: Grand Hyatt Hypocrisy.

Advertising Age reported that Hyatt Hotels celebrated “50 years of inclusivity dating back to the chain’s Hyatt Regency Atlanta hotel, which opened its doors to civil rights leaders in 1967.” According to Ad Age, the hotel’s marketing team considered not releasing the already-produced video after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. However, it appears little consideration was given to the hypocrisy of partnering on the piece with MullenLowe, a White advertising agency whose leadership doesn’t appear to be too welcoming to minorities. Mullen was founded in 1970, so it would be unfair to speculate if civil rights leaders in 1967 would have encountered open doors at the agency. On the other hand, Lowe was founded in 1952; hence, it’s safe to say the place would have slammed shut its doors to civil rights leaders in 1967. Oh, and the currently combined MullenLowe is part of the IPG network, where feigned commitment to diversity and inclusion is as customary as a mint on the pillow.

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