Monday, January 14, 2019

14472: IPA Diversity Study Displays Diverse Denial, Distortion And Deception.

Campaign reported on the latest IPA diversity study, ultimately showing the annual effort is filled with smokescreens, powered by heat shields and fueled by falsehoods. In short, it’s a time-wasting pile of racist bullshit.

The fake news: collected data showed gender, racial and ethnic diversity improved.

The real news: IPA experienced the lowest response rate in the study’s 3-year history.

The real news is significant for a number of reasons. First, White people in adland know full well that IPA has historically been dealing with deficient and deceitful data. Fewer liars only make the results more misleading. Second, the reduction of responses underscores that White people are increasingly bored by diversity and quite content with perpetuating the status quo. Honestly, M&C Saatchi Group Chief Creative Officer Justin Tindall is the poster boy for unconscious bias and passive bigotry. Third, it’s obscene how the advertising industry is quick to position itself as data-driven when creating campaigns, but deliberately distorts and denies data when concealing cultural cluelessness. And there’s plenty of data to prove it.

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