Tuesday, February 19, 2019

14532: Even Alex Bogusky’s Rejected Ideas Deserve Praise And Awards.

Advertising Age reported on the latest self-promotion from CPB+ Chief Creative Engineer Alex Bogusky, whose new brainstorm involves staging a show of rejected client work. Um, didn’t Bogusky ban award shows last year? And now he wants to spotlight non-winning work. Brilliant. Bogusky should do what most White advertising agencies do with pitch scraps—shamelessly recycle the shit for the next shootout.

Agency Brief: Introducing the Ditch

Alex Bogusky wants to revive rejected client work

Alex Bogusky wants to play Dr. Frankenstein.

The co-founder and chief creative engineer of Crispin Porter Bogusky suggested in a brief Twitter video this week (alongside Jen Hruska, co-head of Strategy at CPB) that the agency do a show with old rejected client work.

“We do all these pitches but then we don’t win them all,” Bogusky says. “We have all this neat work. Wouldn’t it be cool to do a show … about work that didn’t win the pitch.” They’d hold the show in CPB’s woodshed.

The thought got people talking.

Mike Duda, managing partner of Bullish, tweeted back that he thought it was a bad call. “Don’t do it,” he said. “Your rationale is celebrating great work. If you lose, you probably blew it in at least one other area.”

But many thought it was an intriguing idea. “LOVE this idea. PLEASE do a show about getting pitch slapped (losing a pitch or a pitch that didn’t pan out to a client partner)!” tweeted Laura Marczika. Another, social media agency founder Eric Zimmett, made a suggestion to “Call it “The Ditch,” work that didn’t win the pitch.”

Mike Diccicco, whose Philadelphia-based DDCworks was recently acquired by Pavone Marketing Group, said this is kind of a thing already: “In Philly we have Dead Work Awards for great stuff that never saw the light of day. Event recently held in cemetery.”

As long as they keep that shed door locked, everything should be fine.

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