Friday, March 01, 2024

16562: BHM 2024—DESTA.


Montreal-based Black Community Network DESTA teamed with Global Health and Wellness Advertising Agency TANK Worldwide to create Speechlist—touted as a Black History Month initiative.


There’s something odd about the endeavor, beyond being among very, very few BHM campaigns ever posted at Ads of the World—and soon to be totally eclipsed by International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month hype.


DESTA clearly articulates its mission and goals; plus, team members are listed by name and bios.


TANK Worldwide is fuzzily tied to WPP and White advertising agency Grey; plus, leadership and staff are hidden from view at the corporate website.


Can’t help but think TANK viewed Speechlist as a checklist item—that is, the work represents performative, box-checking propaganda.


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