Digiday published a fluff piece on ERGs, inadvertently revealing the
publisher’s own ignorance while spotlighting the latest human
heat shield gaining popularity at
White advertising agencies.
Now White shops can
expand DEI diversions and deceptions, concealing cultural cluelessness by
committee. What once served as legitimate support networking systems for
marginalized associates within corporations is being recast for a wider—and
Black Lives Matter is
trumped by any subject matter. Today’s ERGs include clans congregating for
wellness, sustainability and cooking. Book clubs are suddenly literary research
collectives. Netflix binge-watching qualifies staffers to become media
streaming mavens. Fold it all under a DEI deflector dish and Diversity
Directors act more like cruise directors.
WTF is an ERG? In
Adland, it’s code for Equality Resistance Gang.
WTF is an
By Sara Guaglione
resource groups” (or ERGs) were historically thought of primarily as social
groups for employees at a company. But since the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter
movements, ERGs have been getting more attention. With more support from their
companies – as well as companies’ efforts to achieve DE&I commitments and
goals set in 2020 – the role of ERGs has shifted.
2020, more ERGs have been formed, too. Vice Media Group now has six ERGs,
including a new one around wellness. At Gannett, there are now 12 ERGs, up from
four in 2017, according to LaToya Johnson, director of global inclusion,
diversity & equity at Gannett. Forbes launched a new ERG for its LGBTQ+
employees at the beginning of the year, said Ali Jackson-Jolley, assistant
managing editor overseeing the newsroom’s DEI initiatives.
WTF is an ERG?
are employee-led, company-sponsored groups usually formed around shared
identities or life experiences, such as gender, race/ethnicity or interests.
There are often ERGs at companies for Black, Asian and Hispanic/Latinx
employees; for LGBTQ+ employees; and for military veterans and parents, for
not just a place for safety, but a place to help folks thrive and bring their
whole selves to work,” said Eve Chen, USA Today travel reporter and founder of
the Asian American Forward ERG at Gannett, which was created in May 2020. “When
I first started at Gannett more than a dozen years ago, I was the only Asian
American in my newsroom in Atlanta. Atlanta is a big city with a lot of Asian
Americans,” Chen said. “I wanted to create connections for other folks who I
knew would be in the same situation.”
What’s the role of an ERG?
role of an ERG at a company is to create a safe space for people who may share
a similar background or life experience. These groups often celebrate those
differences and similarities, as well as highlight issues going on within these
specific communities.
can also foster company culture, too – an issue that many companies are
grappling with since the pandemic struck and employees are working remotely.
ERGs can help build connections and grow communities within companies, with
networking and mentorship resources.
also act as a resource to others in the company. Members can help ensure
language and meaning are authentic to the community they represent. ERGs often
help organize training, guest speakers and workshops for the company around
their communities, too.
ERGs can help companies achieve DE&I goals around hiring, retention,
mentorship and professional growth.
was intended to be a place to share and celebrate our cultures, but it also was
a place where we could be there for each other and also help guide discussion
areas and coverage areas for our newsrooms as a company. We really were shining
a light on a lot of the attacks [on the AAPI community] around the country,”
Chen said.
What do ERGs do?
members are advocates within a company for their points of view, said Valerie
Di Maria, principal at The 10 Company, a marketing, communications and
executive coaching firm. A member of an ERG for families, for example, may push
for better parental benefits at a company. An LGBTQ+ group might suggest
company training on the trans community.
“will be the ones to catalyze change in some areas and say, ‘No one’s paying
attention to this. We need people to be looking at this…’ They bring up areas
of concern, attention, or something they would like to do,” said Daisy
Auger-Domínguez, chief people officer at Vice Media Group.
often host events around significant times of the year for their community,
such as for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May and
Juneteenth on June 19.
ideating on what could be possible for the organization and helping generate
interest and enthusiasm and then leaning into our brands team, our editorial
team, our marketing team and trying to figure out who can help put together the
programming and the initiatives,” said Auger-Domínguez.
Maria believes ERGs should be thought of as “a strategic business unit… where
they have strategic insights that they share with a company about their
company’s culture, about product and service development and about how they
interact with customers.”
What’s the typical structure of an ERG? Who runs them?
are open to all employees at a company – including those who are part of the
community the group represents, and its allies. “Leads” or “chairs” are often
chosen for each ERG. At Gannett, there are two co-leads per ERG, for example.
are also a direct communication channel to top executives at a company. ERGs
usually have an “executive sponsor,” or a member of a company’s executive
leadership team to work directly with the ERG to support their work and
advocate for their interests. They also serve as a point of contact for ERG
members to address any questions or issues.
really is a way, especially for junior members of the staff, to see what it
looks like to be an executive within Forbes – that typically they won’t get to
see up close – and really be able to work from an operations side with HR and
with folks like the chief product officer to bring initiatives to pass so
they’re getting that exposure,” said Sadé Mohammad, vp of Forbes’
representation & inclusion practice.
VMG, ERGs also work with the communications team to reach out and invite
employees to ERG-hosted events, for example. There is also often a member of
the HR team that works directly with ERGs. VMG has a designated HR person
dedicated to its ERGs (called “community groups” at the company). They meet
with ERGs bimonthly.
know that I can send a DM to our CEO and president and that I will get a
response. That’s what’s huge,” said Chen at Gannett. “If you have your company
support behind you, it makes it so much easier to help create that environment
for employees. When your company is valuing your identity, it makes it so much
easier for you to help share it.”
ERGs meet monthly. They meet quarterly with a broader group, including their
executive sponsor, an HR liaison, the CEO, Chief People Officer and marketing
team, among others, said Gannett’s Johnson.
Are people who take part in ERGs paid?
of them are not. Participation is voluntary. However, ERG leads sometimes get
small bonuses. This is the case at Vice Media Group, for example. Vice’s HR
team also reminds managers every year of the leadership role an ERG lead took
that year, to be considered as part of their annual review, said
year, Gannett launched an ERG bonus program for leaders, Johnson said.
also get budgets from the company to use for outreach, events or even swag. At
VMG, a budget gets distributed by each community group on a per capita basis,
managed by Auger-Domínguez’s team.
How has the role of ERGs evolved at companies since 2020?
companies increasingly work on their DE&I initiatives, ERGs can be a
valuable resource. They can help with networking and retention of employees
from different backgrounds – a real issue for many companies. It’s one thing to
hire more diverse people – it’s a whole other thing to ensure they feel
supported at the workplace and want to remain at the company.
easier to attract talent and keep talent, if they feel there are people who
look like me or who have the same issues that I have at the company and they’re
succeeding and doing well,” said Di Maria.
only are [ERGs] now a resource to employees, but they’re a resource to the
overall business as well, said Johnson at Gannett. “We have developed an
overarching ERG operating strategy that is aligned with Gannett’s overall
inclusion strategy, to assist and achieve business goals, [understand] the
transformation of the global marketplace and the needs of our employees,
customers and the communities that we serve.”
added, “Our businesses tap into ERGs for storytelling for our news division, as
we think about creating new products to ensure they are inclusive and
accessible to all, and for our recruiting and retention efforts.”
article has been updated to clarify Ali Jackson-Jolley’s role at Forbes and to
correct the description of The 10 Company.