Sunday, December 17, 2023

16473: Help Wanted—Exclusive Experience Required.


Trends in job listings expose more reasons why Adland maintains its exclusivity and systemic racism—and how many White advertising agencies maintain delusions of grandeur.


Edelman claims that creative director candidates whose ideas are featured in the New York Times and the Cannes shortlist will be in good company. Having a complete lack of integrity and no ethical/moral conscience helps too.


The Kitchen—the in-house White ad agency/production studio at Kraft Heinz—seeks candidates whose experience includes, “International Recognition: You have created a world-class campaign that achieved international fame or won multiple international awards.” Okay, but it’s likely that creatives there are viewed as kitchen help.


Sorry, but stating the need for global trophies is a discriminatory prerequisite, as most award shows are exclusive affairs—ie, these contests are crony clubs dominated by White men and White women, which accurately reflects the industry. In short, seeking award-winning candidates translates to casting your net in a limited talent pool of familiar fish.


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