Tuesday, December 26, 2023

16482: Kwanzaa In Adland 2023.


Given that many White advertising agencies are closed through the end of the year for the holidays, it’s unlikely that Kwanzaa will be acknowledged in Adland.


Don’t expect to see any Kwanzaa advertisements in the AOTW Holiday Campaigns collection. Even Mickey D’s Black & Positively Golden® campaign will probably take a pass.


White ad shops that feel obligated to engage in performative box-checking stunts will delegate resident Chief Diversity Officers or Black ERGs to post an agencywide email explaining the annual event. And if the Chief Diversity Officer is among the majority who are White, the email content will feature copied-and-pasted results from Google searches—provided they can even spell Kwanzaa.


Count on Campbell Ewald and TRG to steer clear of it all.

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