Saturday, November 16, 2024

16843: Is Unintentionally Cringeworthy.

This Mississippi State Department of Health anti-vaping campaign from Mad Genius is explained as follows:


Think back to life as a teenager. None of us wanted to be like our parents, much less caught doing something they did. This anti-vaping campaign captures that sentiment, spotlighting older adults who are unhealthy in appearance and using a vape, to show how uncool vaping actually is. To drive the point home, these adults are dressed in contemporary clothing that teens wear, and using Gen Alpha brain rot to express their excitement. The cooler they try to look, the more cringeworthy vaping becomes. We’re striking a tone so sardonic and awkward it’ll actively discourage teens from vaping.


Wow. Depicting parents trying to be cool in awkward, cringeworthy style—brought to you by culturally clueless creatives from a White advertising agency trying to be cool in awkward, cringeworthy style.


It’s enough to inspire anyone to inhale, inject, ingest, smoke, and snort anything available.

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