Tuesday, December 12, 2023

16468: The Martin Agency Delivers Performative PR By The Slice.

Advertising Age reported The Martin Agency hired its first Director of Sustainability, whose last name, appropriately enough, is White. The trade publication also reported The Martin Agency was named Papa Johns’ new White advertising agency.


Only in Adland can a firm feign interest in sustainability while partnering with a junk food client that pollutes the environment with pizza boxes and other greasy refuse.


Plus, the Papa Johns account review reportedly had a targeted focus on DEI—so, it looks like The Martin Agency conned Shaquille Shaq-a-Roni O’Neal into believing that they were diverse too. Probably claimed having ties to the Martin show.


What’s next? Are they gonna appoint Joe Alexander as creative director for the account—who’ll reinstate John Schnatter as brand mascot?


Damn, the place serves up performative PR like it’s pizza.


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