The New York Times reported the following:
McDonald’s was chosen to receive the 2014 Creative Marketer of the Year Award at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, to be held in Cannes, France, from June 15 through June 21; the award is to be presented on June 21.
Um, not lovin’ that announcement.
Seriously, what has Mickey D’s produced in the last year that would warrant such an honor? Additionally, 2013 and 2014 sales have barely been positive. Finally, Mickey D’s continues to display cultural cluelessness via its segregated marketing. McDonald’s as a corporation displays a certain dedication to diversity, yet it perpetuates hypocrisy by partnering with White agencies while throwing McCrumbs to minority shops. In short, the fast feeder creates mediocre advertising, fails to generate significant sales bumps and maintains the racist status quo in our industry—but ultimately earns the 2014 Creative Marketer of the Year Award at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Call it a Golden Arches Lion. Or maybe Golden Arches Lyin’ would be more appropriate.
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