Borderline insanity with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• If you build it, they will not come. The Minuteman Project is erecting a fence in Arizona to aid their anti-immigration efforts (pictured above). About 200 volunteers had gathered for the event, and a few hope to continue the barrier along the entire border. “We’re not going to stop,” said a Minuteman. “We’re going to stay here with a group and keep building.” Hey, it would go a lot quicker if they hired undocumented workers to help.
• There’s controversy brewing in the West, where undocumented workers are used to fight wildfires. In the Pacific Northwest, immigrants account for nearly half of the 5,000 private firefighters. An unspecified number may be here illegally. “I don’t think it’s in anybody’s interest, including the Forest Service, to enforce immigration — they’re benefiting from it,” said a spokesperson from one forestry company. Wonder how Smokey the Bear feels about this.
• Police and skinheads disrupted Moscow’s first gay pride parade, which had been officially banned by the city. Moscow’s mayor said such events “may be acceptable for some kind of progressive, in some sense, countries in the West, but it is absolutely unacceptable for Moscow, for Russia. … As long as I am mayor, we will not permit these parades to be conducted.” Participants claimed the police did not prevent the skinheads from hassling marchers. “The police were encouraging the skinheads,” a supporter said. “It was disturbing but not surprising. [The mayor] spent months encouraging violence by his public homophobia.” Don’t look for Moscow’s mayor to make an appearance on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.
1 comment:
"Hey, it would go a lot quicker if they hired undocumented workers to help."
Funny line.
Yeah, I mean, really. We should be applauding the efforts of a few who want to protect what they rightfully stole – from the people they stole it from trying to get it back.
Anytime I see the word Minutemen, I think muskets or standoffs in a midwestern state. Just wondering where the Minutemen where before 9/11. The U.S. is AWESOME at closing the gate after the horse escapes. A-No.1®, first time every time. But man, when it comes to figuring out why the horse wanted to leave in the first place and preventing it, we suck.
Seems to me they’re not talking about the real reason behind the push for a fence. Publicly, they’re hiding behind the excuse of keeping out workers who do jobs we don't want to - another bullshit lie because it's really funny how lazy fat Americans supposedly won't do landscaping and other menial tasks, but then I see them work for shit pay making less at McDonald’s. Must be the uni's 'cuz I’m not buyin’ it. Privately though, the NRA’s finest, are afraid of Al-Qaida coming across with a suitcase nuke. So am I.
But newsflash: if terrorists are going to do that, they’re already here. We’re rightfully scared that this could happen again, who isn’t, but think about this: all of the 9/11 hijackers were here legally.
An amnesty bill won’t change that.
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