(Cartoon above from The Chicago Sun-Times)
Sorry commentary in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• A state legislator in Virginia sparked controversy by proclaiming Blacks “should get over” slavery, and Jews should apologize “for killing Christ.” 79-year-old Frank D. Hargrove was commenting on a measure for the state to apologize to descendants of slaves. The man observed slavery ended 140 years ago and added that “our Black citizens should get over it.” He later asked, “Are we going to force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ?” Ironically, Hargrove will probably apologize for his remarks.
• The Game may be headed for trial on charges of impersonating a cop. Last November, the rapper allegedly jumped into a New York cab, flashed a badge and claimed to be an undercover officer to persuade the driver to run red lights. The Game’s lawyer says the rapper would never do such a thing, arguing his client has a great relationship with police. “He sees them all the time, and he’s very polite to them. He and his guys give them cigars all the time. When they’re in the same restaurant together, they send over food,” said the lawyer. In other words, The Game doesn’t impersonate cops, but he’s not above bribing them.
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