Work and play in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• The Los Angeles Times reported that Latino students are less inclined to seek college loans, opting to work their way through school. “My parents have always said, ‘If you don't have the money to pay for it, then work for it,’” said one student. Educators worry that job demands hurt the students academically. “I see this happen all the time in my classroom, students who are overworked and under-prepared for class,” said an instructor. “When I ask them about taking out loans instead of working so much, their thinking is, ‘If you can’t pay it in cash, then it’s not a good idea.’” Click on the essay title above to read the full story.
• The NAACP and Clemson University officials are investigating another Martin Luther King Jr. party that took place off campus. Partygoers wore Blackface and drank malt liquor. The university’s president was “appalled, angered and disappointed” to learn about the event. Maybe these students should emulate their Latino peers and get jobs.
• The local chapter of the California Restaurant Assn. volunteered to ban trans fat within 18 months. Los Angeles County officials had sought to legally mandate the move, but counsel informed them that they didn’t have the authority to do so (see Essay 1623). “We will be using incentives and education rather than the heavy hammer of an ordinance,” said one official. No comment yet from Fatburgers officials.
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