My Oh My, What A Wonderful MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• The Walt Disney Company continues to consider re-releasing “Song Of The South,” but California civil rights leaders won’t make it easy. According to a report from DiversityInc., a group including L.A.-based NAACP leaders is asking Disney to add a disclaimer explaining why the depictions of Blacks are considered racist—plus, describe the social climate in which the movie was created. Earl Ofari Hutchinson, president of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, explained, “Because it does promote racially offensive stereotypes … it would be socially irresponsible [to re-release the film] without a disclaimer that puts the film in context, not with these times but those times.” We’ll bet Disney won’t do Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.
• A study in Sweden shows today’s 4-year-old Swedish girls are six times more likely to be obese than 20 years ago. “This indicates that there is a relatively recent change in our lifestyles that is behind this,” said the lead researcher for the study. “But it’s difficult to say what that is.” Um, Barbie toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals?
• Jennifer Lopez has allegedly received death threats from animal rights wackos for wearing fur. One writer promised “to kill her in public, just like the slaughtered animals whose fur she wears.” J Lo’s probably looking for a bullet-proof mink vest now.
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