On message with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• Grey’s Anatomy star Isaiah Washington filmed a public awareness spot to make amends for his anti-gay slurs. “Words have power. The power to express love, happiness and joy. They also have the power to heal,” said Washington in the spot. “When you use words that demean a person because of their sexual orientation, race or gender, you send a message of hate.” Or a message of camaraderie to Michael Richards, Mel Gibson and Don Imus.
• Actress Keira Knightley won nearly $6,000 for her libel suit against a newspaper that made nasty remarks about her bony physique. One story showed the actress in a bikini with a headline reading, “If Pictures Like This One of Keira Carried a Health Warning, My Darling Daughter Might Have Lived.” Another piece highlighted Knightley’s denials of battling anorexia. The actress’ lawyer said, “[Knightley] found the suggestions all the more offensive as she has freely admitted publicly in the past that a member of her family suffered from anorexia and she is well aware of the devastating effects eating disorders can have.” Gee, Knightley seems a little thin-skinned.
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