A studious MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• A new study showed teens listening to lots of sexy music are about twice as likely to have intercourse within two years. Which probably explains how R. Kelly and Michael Jackson lure the youngsters.
• Another new study showed teens watching lots of wrestling on television are more prone to violent behavior. And if they’re listening to sexy music while watching wrestling, call 911.
• The New York Times published a story on National Guard troops working the border. The debates continue on the true effectiveness of the initiatives. “I don’t see that we are having an impact,” said one soldier. “But every time the Border Patrol comes up, they tell us movement of people has almost completely stopped through here.” An official at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington following the efforts said, “There is no question in my mind they are providing added value. … But in the grand scheme of border security it is not clear this deployment is going to dramatically enhance the nation’s border security.” Providing added value but not dramatically enhancing? Sounds like the typical advertising agency account person hype.
• The Washington Post published a story on the abysmal lack of Black lobbyists. According to the story, “Lobbyists suggest a few reasons [for the lack of Blacks]. One is that Blacks are underrepresented in Congress, especially in the Senate, and the result is that relatively few African Americans get the experience they need to become professional lobbyists. Another explanation is that because Black lobbyists have been so rare for so long, the network of predominantly white people who do the hiring for lobby groups doesn’t routinely reach out to Blacks.” Read all the typical excuses by clicking on the essay title above.
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