Corporations love producing diversity ads to hype commitment to an inclusive workforce. Yet these advertisers seem unconcerned about partnering with advertising agencies where diversity is almost viewed with adversity. Granted, many companies compensate by mixing up their AOR rosters with minority-owned shops. But does such a move really negate the contradictions of associating with agencies that have steadfastly resisted moving beyond predominately White work environments?
This week, MultiCultClassics presents actual corporate diversity ads that have been “tagged” with special messages to highlight the hypocrisy.
Click on the ads and read closely.
I am the manager of the original Kodak diversity ad. I'm requesting that you show the unadulterated version of this ad. Our ad was produced by a woman-owned agency, and in different venues portrays a wide array of constituents. We have taken considerable efforts to ensure that our diversity and multicultural ads reflect our customers' diverse backgrounds, especially when models are used. (Not all our ads feature models.) If you wish to manipulate ads to fit your point of view, we respectfully suggest you show the original ad alongside the version you've cobbled together. Thank you.
Sorry, the post is over two years old, and the original elements can’t be accessed. Feel free to view more Kodak-related stuff here and here.
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