The letters below appeared at Advertising Age. A brief MultiCultClassics response immediately follows…
Anger over cuts to Chrysler’s budget
RE: “Obama Halves Chrysler’s Planned Marketing Budget” (AA, May 11). This is sick. If Obama wanted to be a CEO of a business, he should have gone into the business world. According to his supervisor at the law firm he worked at in Chicago, Obama had a hard time grasping the “big picture,” and this was on cases that involved rents, furnace repairs, etc. Maybe that is why he has run up unsustainable debts, i.e., he really doesn’t know how much a trillion is. This is clearly unconstitutional and a blatant abuse of power.
Richard Cowart
Dubuque, Iowa
Obama’s cut of Chrysler’s marketing budget is a bald-faced violation of the First Amendment. A suit should be brought immediately and driven as fast as possible to the Supreme Court. The suit should be joined by all media since it is a direct assault on them, as well.
Fred Johnson
Savannah, Ga.
Barry is an absolute idiot. When the auto industry needs more advertising, he unconstitutionally “cuts” Chrysler’s budget. He is a tyrant, and he needs to be taken down a notch. We are dealing with someone who has never run a business, owned a business, or ever had to make sure to meet a payroll.
William Goodman
El Paso, Texas
The Three Stooges responsible for these letters clearly haven’t been reading the news. Or living on Earth.
Chrysler is moving to dump 25 percent of its dealerships, admitting the system is outdated and messed up. Looks like President Barack Obama was on the money in recognizing the automaker failed to properly run its business.
Plus, the marketing Obama developed to secure the presidency far exceeds anything hatched by Chrysler and its agencies in the last decade at least. So Barry is a better adman too. Perhaps Messrs Cowart, Johnson and Goodman have been responsible for Chrysler’s local dealership campaigns…?
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