The End Days Of Advertising juxtaposes snarky, cynical observations on the industry against Dover-style illustrations. Particularly amusing is the integration of Black characters. The image above depicts two ACDs, which means it can only be a Black advertising agency, as such a staffing phenomenon would not naturally occur in a White agency. The image below is accurate in showing Black women relegated to the accounting department—although the sexual nature of the scenario perpetuates stereotypes involving Black women.

Actually, the problem is that there are very few black people in the mid-70s books of Volk line art that I use as my primary source. I was worried about a racialized reading of the "accounting" one. But the intention was to make fun of ad agency accounts people, who are the nerds of the agency world. Making them experimentally gay hinted at unfulfilled hidden desires. Their blackness was not part of the intention in which I assigned them. I am however, as you probably assume, a white guy. I just like to think that I am above racism. (And homophobia.)
- The author.
Also, if you're interested in analyzing the artwork, I think the "woman" in the back is actually a very poorly drawn man. I got that image from a line art book called "couples" — and every other couple in it is hetero.
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